Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 30, Tuesday

     Tuesday, July 29, 2014 was a day I prayed would never come.  My sister finally lost her battle with cancer. Last Wednesday after the anointing services she had commented that she felt touched by God.  I do not doubt that for a minute.  It could very well be that God was letting her know that she would be with him forever.  We had prayed for her to be cancer free, and God has answered that prayer.  Not exactly in the way we wanted, but God's planning does not always coincide with our wants.  She is no longer struggling with pain and nausea but is hugging our dad (G-daddy or G for short) who was her hero.
     My sister was one of those people who was always positive, always smiling, always willing to do anything for you, always thinking of others, always willing to help, always involved in her church and community activities.  She was the epitome of a Christian lady.  She will be missed by all of her family, her extended church family, and her friends.  Though we are separated from her now we know it is only a temporary separation.  For all those who believe that Jesus was God's son who died to save us from our sins, we know that death is not the end, but a new beginning of everlasting life with Him. One day we will rejoice in seeing her again.  Today our hearts are sad, but we know she is now in Heaven with the Lord.  Please remember her family in your prayers.

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