Saturday, July 26, 2014

Recovery Day 27, Saturday

     Today was like a day of rest.  I did as little as I could all day long.  Totally lazy.  I started to do several things at different times during the day, but decided they could wait for another day.  Syfy Channell was showing the B rated type movies I like so I just watched all day long.  My excuse for being lazy was that my knees needed the rest, which might have been true.  I have had only a twinge of pain when walking down to check the mail.  Oh well, that is one thing I did.  I also picked squash from the garden.  The last thing I did today was to spray a wasp nest that was built in my outside phone box.  Several weeks ago during a storm, lightening must have entered through the cable.  One phone started to have static, but the others were clear.  Since that time the phone with the static cleared up and the other phones do not work at all.  The phones are good, so it has to be a problem with the wiring in the box. When I opened the box there was a wasp nest in the middle of all the wires.  I have been hesitant to fix the problem, because, worst case scenario, I could end up with no phones working at all.  I have been known to mess things up before I finally get it right.  At least for the past four weeks I have had a legitimate excuse with my knees.  But the swelling is almost completely gone and I have not had to use any ice packs today.  I expect to be fully recovered after the next two weeks, but only time will tell.

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