Friday, July 4, 2014

Recovery Day 7

Okay it has been one week since my surgery.  I definitely have my days and nights mixed up. Just laying around is getting to me.  Last night I got very little sleep. I just can't get comfortable laying in the bed.  So I got up again early.  I decided that today I would be more active. I walked down to the garden twice to pick tomatoes, squash and cucumbers. Peas and beans are not ready yet. Then sat out in the sun.  The day is much cooler than the past few days. Temp is 90 today.  I seem to be walking like grandpa on the Real McCoys.  After my shower I took this picture.  Looking lots better compared to last week.  Stitches are to come out Monday when I go back for my followup.  Knees are still very tight due to swelling, but they are getting better.

I must have overdone it today because they are really uncomfortable at this minute.  Maybe that will pass.  I may put on ice packs.  I had them on while eating supper, and had pain due to the cold and could not get them off quick enough.  I can feel some flexibility coming back, but I may be trying to rush it.  I need to be patient and let it heal.  So I will take it easier this weekend.  More to come.

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