Monday, July 14, 2014

Recovery Day 14, 15, and 16

     Great day on Friday.  Lewis, Deon, and G-mama all came out for lunch and stayed most of the afternoon.  It was a good visit.  We do not get together very often so I was glad they came for a visit.  Cooked hamburgers on the grill. Toward dark I went to town stopped by moms and gogos to fix a couple of things.  By the time I got back home, my knees were swollen and hurting. 
     Saturday was a work day.  I had to cut grass.  I rode the tractor to cut below the garden and used a push mower to cut the front yard. My guess is I walked about 4 miles in the process.  By the end of the day I was really tired, but the yard looks nice again. I also picked peas, squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes from the garden. 
     Sunday, day 16, was a long day traveling.  We drove to visit Katy, Scott, Kinsley and Cooper in Chantilly, VA. We will spend a few days here, then return home later this week.  I did bring my exercise bike so I can use it during our stay.  Distance is over 700 miles. We stopped several times so I could stretch my legs. When we travel we listen to an audio book.  It makes the time pass faster.  The book we started for this trip is Gone Girl. So far it has been good.  We did stop it to listen to the final game of the World Cup with Germany winning in the overtime period. 

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