Friday, July 4, 2014

Recovery day 6

Okay I missed posting last night so here is Day 6.  When I went to bed Wednesday night I decided to take a pain pill to help me sleep better.  I also took another pill that usually makes me drowsy.  That was a mistake I could not get comfortable so I never went to sleep.  Watched tv thinking I would fall asleep as usual. But sleep never came. Got up and iced my knees, but my eyes just would not shut.  It was 4:30 am.  Went to the kitchen and started the coffee pot thinking I would go ahead and get up for the day.  Apparently the combination of pills just made me feel terrible.  That plus the lack of sleep put a damper on the whole day.  It was like I was in a fog that never ended.  About 9:00 pm the fog lifted.  I watched a little news and decided to go to bed.  Knees had been uncomfortable all day. I did get on the exercise bike and pedaled about 20 revolutions.  Flexibility seems better.  But, left knee still has a long way to go to catch up with the right knee.  Both still feel real tight and all the swelling is not gone.

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