Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Recovery Day 23. Tuesday

     I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night.  This time it was not my knees, but I decided to add multiple operating systems on my Macbook Air.  I purchased Parallels, downloaded the latest version and then loaded both Windows 7 and Windows 8 on my Mac.  While doing all this I never looked at the clock.  When I finally finished it was 3:00 am.  I got in the bed and woke up about 6:30.  After drinking my one cup of coffee, Amy and I went to Veteran's Park to walk.  I did 3 laps, a distance of 1.7 miles.  The first lap my left knee was hurting below the knee cap.  After the first lap the pain went away.  Also I noticed that the way I walked was causing the pain.  As long as my heel touched the ground first the pain was not there.  Tomorrow will be a busy day, but I will try to add one more lap each day until I am doing 5 miles per day.  I know my knees are getting better because I am able to stand up without holding onto something.  Of course there is pain on the top of the knee when I do this so I do not try to do if very much.  Knees are not swelling as much today.
     My sister is back in the hospital and will no longer receive any more chemo treatments.  Mom and I will go see her tomorrow.  Mom tripped in her kitchen and could not get up off the floor.  After about an hour she was finally able to crawl across the floor and get up.  Once she was able to get to a phone she called me and I took her to see her doctor.  Nothing broken just bruised.  I am sure she will be sore tomorrow.  
    When I got home I tried to take a nap, but the phone kept ringing and I never did get to sleep.  After supper I watched a couple of movies and then rode the bike for 20 minutes.  Beginning to feel sleepy so I will sign off for tonight.

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