Monday, July 21, 2014

Recovery day 22 Monday

This morning was off to rocky start. By that I mean when I got out of bed I was rocking on my knees or maybe the correct word would be wobbling.  After my cup of coffee I went to the garden to pick peas, tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers that had ripened while we were in Virginia.  I finally headed to town about 11:00 to get the oil changed in the car.  Then to take mom to lunch and Walmart.  I then went to her house to work on her internet connection.  (Once a computer tech always a computer tech).  Finally after another trip to Walmart to return a faulty wireless router I was able to get everything up and running.  By the time I got home (7:30) my knees were beginning to swell. There were a couple of good things.  One, my knees did not hurt all day. Two, I was able to kneel down on one knee by using a pillow. But could only do it with the left knee.  The really amazing thing was that I was able to get back up again.  Once I got home I applied ice and propped the knees up.  I intend to start back walking at the park in the morning.  Maybe get in a couple of miles.  More about that tomorrow  

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