Friday, July 18, 2014

Recovery Day 19

     Yesterday was a pretty good day.  Still not getting to sleep through the night, just can't get the knees comfortable enough when sleeping on my side.  I usually use a pillow to prop them up and sleep on my back, but it is harder for me to get to sleep that way.  That was the reason I returned the first sleeping bag I purchased.  I was forced to sleep on my back, which is not normal for me.  Besides, I could not move in that bag, mainly due to the sleep pad that had to be used with it.  The Big Agnes bags have 0 insulation on the bottom and the pad inserted into the underside of the bag provides that insulation.
     I was able to ride the bike for 20 minutes and then decided to try walking outside.  I did about a mile with no bad effects.  I will try that again today.  The quicker I can get back to walking I can get started back on my weight loss program.  I had lost about 12 pounds before the surgery, but I am sure the inactivity and the snack food has added the weight back on.  I was at 241 before our trip to Virginia.  It will be interesting to see how much I have gained on this trip.
     Today I will get to babysit Cooper, while the girls go to a Vacation Bible School luncheon.  That should be an experience.  Then tonight Amy and I will keep the kids so Katy and Scott can have a date night.  That will be fun for them, not sure about us.  Hopefully we can get by with only one or two meltdowns.  Tomorrow we hit the road heading home.  More about that later.

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