Friday, July 25, 2014

Recovery Day 24, 25, and 26 - Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

    I have missed posting so I am trying to catch up.  On Wednesday, mom and I went to visit my sister in the hospital. We were there all afternoon except for the short trip I made to the Apple Store to pick up iPads for Lele and mom and an accessory for my Mac. Anyone reading this should know that my sister is fighting a battle with cancer and has been hospitalized on numerous occasions.  Please remember her in your prayers.  It was good to see her alert and feeling well enough to configure her new ipad.  One of the highlights of our visit was meeting Brother Yancy, a pastor who had come by to pray with her and anoint her.  Since her husband was not there at the time, he was going to come back later for the anointing, but did pray for her.  His prayer was beautiful, one of those that brought heaven right down into that hospital room.  We stayed until after supper, then headed home.  Later that night, Lele's three sons, Ben, Matt, and Jac were anointed for her in different churches, Ben in Indiana, where he was preaching a revival, Matt at his church in Talladega, and Jac at his church in Hobe Sound, Florida.  And of course Brother Yancy came back and performed the anointing in the hospital room.  About 9:30 pm Lele said she felt like she had been touched by the hand of God.
     On Thursday when the doctor came in he said that her liver, kidneys, and nutrient counts had improved.  To us this was fantastic news.  She has a real tough road ahead of her so we look at any improvement as great news.  This change can only be attributed to the power of prayer.  Today she continues to improve and was able to sit in a chair all afternoon.  She was not able to get out of the bed prior to today.
     Being on my feet most of the day Wednesday caused swelling in my knees and consequently not much sleep Wednesday night.  Thursday morning I went to town to run some errands and go by mom's house to help configure her iPad.  Ended up spending most of the day in town and then had to drive to Home Depot after a few minutes at home. Finally got home about 6:30, knowing that I had overdone the knees for the day.  I was able to sleep through the night though.  I was wobbly when I got up, but after a cup of coffee, my wife and I went to walk at Veterans Park in town.  My left knee was experiencing pain that has not been there before, but probably because most of the swelling had diminished, and the pain was directly under one of the incision locations.  I ended up walking 2.25 miles which was 4 laps around the track.  I did stop for a few minutes after each lap to sit and take my weight off my knees.  When I got home I iced the knees and took a good nap.  I believe that over the last couple of days I might have spent too much time standing and not resting my knees.  Therefore I have to face the consequences.  I have to continue to remind myself that there is a 4 to 6 week recovery period and this has been the forth week.  When I mention pain it is not a debilitating pain but more of a pin stick type pain that only occurs when my weight is on the knee.  Other pains occur on standing which are caused by the muscles above the knee.  That is the reason for the exercise bike, to strengthen those muscles.  In fact, I better close for today and do my 20 minutes on the bike.

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