Saturday, July 5, 2014

Recovery Day 8

I definitely have my days and nights mixed up.  Watched movies all night and mostly rested or slept all day. When I got up this morning I was in a little pain.  Grabbed some ice packs and ibuprofen and they knees felt better in a short time.  I decided that I may be pushing myself too hard too fast, so today I just limited my walking.  Walked to the refrigerator for more ice, to the bathroom for obvious reasons, and around the inside of the house just to keep my legs moving a little.  No garden or outside work.  No bike.  I rationalized this because I still have my stitches and had not thought about them being pulled out with exercise.  I guess that is as good an excuse as any, and because of this, I will also have limited activity tomorrow.  No need to chance it.   Noticed today that my thighs are bruised.  I think this is because maybe I was wrapping my knees still with ace bandages.  I had not thought that they were wrapped that tight but it is evident that they were.  Today, I left the ace bandages off.  I had used them to give extra support around the knees when I got up and walked.  I can walk pain free, just feel real tight, like swollen, in my knees.  There may be some swelling on the inside, but not real obvious when looking at my knees.  It may be that the tightness is normal.  I will find out when I see the doctor on Monday.

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