Monday, August 4, 2014

Recovery Update

     The past week has been a blur.  On Wednesday, July 30, I cut the grass in our yard.  I used Map My Walk to see how far I walked while mowing.  The distance was 2.6 miles.  Knees were feeling great.
     On Thursday I met with several people concerning projects that are ongoing at my house.  New heat pumps were installed on the 29th.  Energy efficient windows will be installed mid August, and the adding of more insulation to the attic and floors. These will be installed soon.
     For the last 37 years our water has come from a natural spring on my neighbor's property.  Of course I have had water rights.  Included is the right to build and maintain a structure to cover the spring.  I have not needed to do this because originally we knocked the bottom out of a grease trap then placed it in the spring to act as an enclosed 250 gallon reservoir.  Water filled in from the bottom and was pumped out a hole in the top to my pressure tank.  I have not had this water tested in the last 15 years.  I am sure it would test contaminated.  A couple of years ago my neighbors decided to clean out around the spring, removing all the bushes and trees around the spring.  I supposed this was so they could see the spring better.  The end result - whenever it rains now my water is muddy.  Now the house is vacant and up for sale.  I could build a structure to cover the spring, but that would detract from the way their house looks.  Not knowing if the next neighbors would be protective of the spring, I decided this is the best time to connect to the county water lines.  I will still use the spring water from a faucet at my house, but will disconnect it from the rest of the plumbing.  I will then use it for watering my garden, washing the car, and as an extra water source.  So, I met with a plumber who will do the install from the meter to the house to find the best location for the meter.  This will be installed next week.
     My knees were swollen due to mowing, and by Thursday night after visitation at the funeral home, then to mom's house for supper, then to the airport to pick up Katy, I was experiencing some discomfort.  I applied ice bags.
     On Friday, we celebrated the life of my sister.  This was held at the First Baptist Church and the church was packed.  If you were to rate funerals from one to ten with ten being the "best", this would have been a 15.  A lot of the things that my sister had done for others behind the scenes were brought out by the officiating ministers in the services.  After the services, at the church and at the cemetery, all guests were invited back to the church for a meal.  By the time I got home late Friday night, my knees were swollen again.  More ice and ibuprofen.
     Saturday was spent visiting with my kids at their grandmothers, Go-Go and G-mama.  This was another long day.  My wife took Katy to the airport in Birmingham for her flight back to Chantilly, Virginia, and we visited the cemetery.  The flowers had not wilted and were really pretty.
     Sunday, August 3, was literally a real day of rest.  Amy took Emily to the airport in Atlanta for her flight back to San Antonio, while I attended church.  Sitting, sleeping, and doing nothing provided much needed rest.  Knees were feeling fine.

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