Monday, July 28, 2014

Recovery, Day 29, Monday

     What a difference a day makes!  Today, no pain.  I even used a weedeater to trim around the house.  I can't really say totally pain free, but no pain while working outside in the yard.  I also was able to slowly stand up from sitting in a chair without holding on to something to support my weight.  I had been able to do this last week but with pain above the knee caps.  Before today, I would try to get up as fast as I could, so the pain would be over quickly.  But, rising slowly was met with a minimal amount of discomfort in the muscles above the knee, not the knee itself.  Fantastic!  Maybe I am seeing the results of my 20 minutes a day on the exercise bike.
     We are making some changes around our house.  Expensive changes.  We have known for a while that we needed to replace our heat pumps.  New ones will be installed tomorrow.  We also decided that since we are getting more efficient heating and cooling we needed to add more insulation in the attic and under the house and change out the windows for new energy efficient ones.  We will replace the windows downstairs this year and then the upstairs windows next year.  I could not afford to do all the windows at this time, but I think it will help to cut my power bills.
     One other decision was made today.  I have decided to connect to the county water system.  For the last 37 years we have used natural spring water.  Our spring is located on the property next door.  Of course we maintain water rights in the deed, but now the house is up for sale and I am not interested in buying it.  Our water comes from a spring located next to the neighbors driveway, thus could be easily contaminated.  Now is the best time for me to get another water source.  It will also increase the water pressure in our house.  I will keep the spring and rights to it, but only use it for washing the car, watering the garden, or watering the grass.  Over the years, we have just gotten use to water getting discolored whenever it would rain, so it will be nice to experience clear water for a change.
     I almost forgot.  I looked out our windows toward the garden and this is what I saw.  I don't think the scarecrow is scarring anything.

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