Monday, July 28, 2014

Recovery day 28, Sunday

     I'm not ready for prime time. Today my knees had a setback.  As the swelling had diminished new pains are occurring.  After a very restless night I got up and had my usual cup of coffee, got ready for church.  Knees were feeling okay until I got to church.  For some reason I had to climb the balcony steps 4 times.  Since our Minister of Music was on vacation I used my Mac for the service.  I had to climb the steps to set it up.  Back down to get the soloist music for her to practice.  Then back up to play the cd. Then back down to meet with the guest song leader.  Then back up for the service. Then back down after the service.  After eating lunch with mom I came home and crashed until it was time to go back to church. I know my knees are getting better, but I wonder if having them "fixed" was worth it. I think I will give it a couple more weeks and then answer the question. 

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