Thursday, July 10, 2014

Recovery Day 12 and 13

     Wednesday, Day 12, did as little as possible.  Sat most of the day with knees on ice.  Most of the swelling is gone.  I still have pain when I stand up and especially if I sit in a low chair.  I was able to go to the garden and begin to pull some weeds.  Picked tomatoes and squash.  Purple Hull peas will need picking tomorrow.  I have pain when walking down hill, but that may be because I was on uneven ground.  I had no pain while hoeing and walking back up the hill to the house from the garden.  I did get my watering system working again.  I am not sure why it stopped working.  It may be that the water filter was not letting the water flow properly.  I am still having restless nights with not being able to get my knees comfortable.  The muscles seem to be cramping when laying on one side.  The other side is about the same.  I hate laying flat on my back but I should be getting use to it by now.
    Thursday, Day 13.  I had problems sleeping so I finally got up at 6:30.  I got to skype with Katy and Cooper.  Cooper had his tonsils removed on Tuesday and appears to be back to normal today.  My new exercise bike was delivered about 10:00 and is much easier to ride than the other one.  I have already gotten on it for 5 minutes to begin with and then later today for 10 minutes.  I am suppose to do 20 to 30 minutes twice a day to help my knee muscles get back in shape.  That will be my goal for tomorrow.  I also walked to the garden and picked peas.  Now to shell them and freeze them.  Hopefully now that I am using the bike I should see improvement daily.  I am expecting to be able to sleep better due to the exercise.
     My brother, Lewis and his wife, Deon, got into town for a visit with mom.  They will come out for lunch tomorrow.  I expect to cook hamburgers on the grill and look forward to a nice visit with them.

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