Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Recovery Day 18

Today was a better day. This morning I rode the bike for 30 minutes.  Flexibility is coming back but the knees really tighten up after exercise. This is probably due to swelling that follows also. I was able to get up 4 different times from a sitting position without using my arms to support most of my weight.  Pain was there but bearable. I think each day is getting better and better. I am still waking in the middle of the night, about 3:00, with my legs aching.  I expect that to go away soon. This afternoon I did another 20 minutes on the bike. Then stretched the thighs real good. Swelling followed that of course. The exercise bike is doing its job. The time passes faster while listening to 60's on 6 on my iPhone. I can't wait till I can walk a few miles. I may try that tomorrow just to see if I can.  Ice and ibuprofen have become my best friends. I am not sure how long that will last since I am not suppose to take ibuprofen due to diabetes. But it sure helps with the swelling.  More updates to come tomorrow. 

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