Sunday, July 20, 2014

Recovery Day 20, 21

     Okay so I overdid it on Friday.  I spent 20 minutes on the exercise bike then walked for 1.44 miles.  I regret that now.  Knees were really swollen on Saturday morning.  Amy and I had to swap out driving so I could straighten out my legs, but we made the 12 hour trip in 13 hours.  Stopped to rest several times and to eat.  Made it home by 9:00 and my swollen knees were really hurting.  I got some ice on them as soon as we got home. Slept pretty good though I still had trouble finding a position that supported my knees comfortably.
     Today, Sunday, I went to church.  This was the first time since the surgery.  Managed to even make it up the stairs to sit in the balcony, my regular place.  By the time I got home I thought about working in the garden. but that would mean I would need to change clothes, and take a bath before returning to church later. I decided to hold off getting to the garden.  We finished the audio book we had listened to on our trip to and from Virginia.  Gone Girl turned out to be a good book (all 19 hours of the unabridged version).   After church tonight I could feel my swollen knees and applied ice as soon as I got home.  Tomorrow will be a busy day.  More about it later.  

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