Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 13 - 16

This is what I have been spending my time on. This has to be the hardest puzzle I have ever put together in my lifetime.

Almost every piece would interchange with other piece. At one time I had the boats on the bottom located in the wrong place, swapped right and left sides.  Thank goodness the box shows a picture of the completed puzzle.  Even though I think that using the picture is somehow cheating, I did refer to it several times when I realized that I had some pieces in the wrong place.

To catch up for the last few days, the plumber did come and put in the new water line.  I use Raymond Jones, Jones Plumbing, because he does a great job and is very reasonable.  It took most of the day to dig the ditch for the pipe.  There are so many rocks, some large, some small, that he used a backhoe to dig the trench.  Then once the pipe was laid, he disconnected the old system, tapped into the existing water lines, and reconnected my old system to an outdoor faucet.  The biggest change is that after 38 years I will now have to pay a monthly water bill.  But, I now have some advantages that I did not have before.  No brown water after it rains.  No contaminates, bacteria, alge, etc. (good and bad).  Clothes should be cleaner.  Water pressure that does not fluctuate every five minutes.  Buy keeping the old system I will be able to use it for things that use a lot of water outside the house; like washing the cars, pressure washing the house (which Amy likes to do), watering the lawn and watering the garden.

On Thursday, I made my weekly trip to Home Depot and Walmart in Pell City.  These trips usually start with a breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, but since Amy did not go with me, I skipped the breakfast.  The last stop is usually Publix, but I omitted that stop also.  

On Friday, our new windows were installed.  We decided to try to make our house as energy efficient as possible, so new windows were a necessity.  Due to the cost, we could not replace all of them at this time, but we did replace all the downstairs windows, including the big bay window in our dining room.  The next step will be to increase the insulation in the attic and insulate under the house.  Hopefully that will be completed next week.  

I have big plans for today.  I plan to pick butterbeans in the garden and then begin removing the rocks left from the trench so I can cut the grass again.  It will take some time before the trench is covered with grass, but I have to remove the rocks so I won't tear up my lawnmower the next time I cut the grass.  I think that it may take several days to complete this project.  One final thing for today, my knees are not 100% yet.  I have decided that I will ride the bike twice a day and continue walking.  The biggest problem now is that they continue to swell when I am on my feet for a long period of time.  Solution, sit more, and strengthen the muscles around the knees.  Even though I hate to go back to the doctor, I may need to eventually.  I was mentioning that it has been 7 weeks since my surgery to a friend of mine, and he reminded me that I was 65 and it takes longer for older people to heal.  That may be true.

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