Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 17 - 19

Sunday, Aug 17 was uneventful.  Church, out to eat, nap and back to church.  Typical Sunday.

Monday was a garden work day.  Picked peas, pulled up dead plants and picked butterbeans.  I have a few more plants to pull up and pick clean before I plow up for my winter garden.  We had a storm that ended the garden work, but gave plenty of time for me to take the ALS ice bucket challenge since I was challenged by my oldest daughter, Katy.  Posted video on facebook, so I will not post it here.

Today, Tuesday, Aug 19th was more fun.  I drove to Oxford to meet with some old high school friends that I have not seen in 30 or 40 years.  It was a great time of fellowship and meal.  Bobby Slay, Jimmy Harris, and Hal Phillips and I became close friends when I first moved to Talladega in 1965.  Even though Hal was a year older than the rest of us we all attended the same church, First Baptist in Talladega, and the same high school.  Bobby and I were roommates at Cheshire's at Auburn University.  He and Hal both became pharmacists, Jimmy was a Vocational Rehab counselor, and I a teacher.  We had lost touch over the years, but facebook helped us to reconnect.  We plan to meet every other month to get together again.  It was great talking about old times, and remembering how we were as teenagers and young adults.  Can't wait till next time.  Returned home to continue picking beans.  Tomorrow I should have everything out of the garden and can start preparing for the next planting.

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