Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 9 - 12

     Not much happening at the Locklin house.   On Friday we had more rain.  On Saturday, Amy and I went to walk.  She had a pain in her ankle so she was finished before I even started walking.  Walked 3.4 miles. Knees felt so good that I even tried jogging just to see if I could. Later in the day we made our weekly trip to Walmart.  
     On Sunday we went to church then out to lunch with Go-go (Amy's mom) and G-mama (my mom).  Those names were given to them by my son, Jason, when he was a little boy.  Go-go got her name because she was always on the go, never staying home during the day.  G-mama was short for grandmother.  After lunch was the Sunday afternoon nap, followed by church again. 
     On Monday I slept late.  By the time I got up Amy had finished her 3 mile walk.  We had a tire leaking air so I went to town to have it fixed.  After running a couple of other errands I went to the park to walk. As long as I am up and moving I am pain free.  I walked in the hottest part of the day and did 7  laps which was 4 miles.  By the time I got home and cleaned up it was time to go out to eat with the Sunday School class.  Afterwards we went to the church for dessert and a meeting.  By the time I got home my knees were swelling and hurting. 
     Today I was a total bum.  Legs hurt all day.  Slept most of the morning away.  Iced my knees.  Basically did nothing. I walked around the garden trying to exercise my legs but after sitting awhile I can hardly get up again.  I noticed some fluid on one knee in one spot. I may need to go back to the doctor about that. Hoping it will go away on it's own.   Sitting on my reclining sectional is the most comfortable and that is all I've done today.  
     Tomorrow the plumber comes to connect us to the county water system.  He will need to lay about 500 ft of pipe.  He will also disconnect my pressure tank and put a faucet on it.  That way I can use the spring water for watering and washing outside the house.  Hopefully he can complete it in one day. 
Will know tomorrow. 

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