Monday, August 25, 2014

August 20-25

     Time has really been flying by.  On Wed, Aug 20,  I walked 3 miles and then worked most of the day in the garden.  Then picked mom up for church.  Church suppers had started back, and since I do not miss too many meals, I had to go.  Then prayer meeting after supper.  After I got back home I realized that my air conditioning was not working.  The temperature was about 80 in the house.  I immediately emailed the installers to set up a time that someone could fix it.
     On Thursday I walked 3.5 miles with Amy early in the morning.  I am so slow that Amy even lapped me.  Then I was passed by an old grey haired lady, and a lady pushing a baby stroller.  The repairman came to fix the air and found that insulation from a side panel had not been glued properly and had restricted air flow, which caused the unit to freeze up with a sheet of ice blocking any air from getting through.  Once that was fixed the unit was checked out and has been fine ever since.  The repairman took a while to fix it causing us to be about an hour late picking up gogo to take her for a doctor's appointment.  I went along to get a free meal.  But ended up just sitting (sleeping) in the doctor's office.  It was about 3 hours in that office.  Got out too late to eat lunch so we drove back home.
      On Friday, Aug. 22, the installers came to re-insulate the house.  Since we are trying to make our house more energy efficient, we added insulation in the attic and under the house.  I am hoping to see a decrease in my power bill, but only time will tell how much of an effect it has.  I hope it is quite noticeable.
     Saturday was a busy day.  Amy's sister, Ginger, was doing a tri-athelon in Athens, GA, so she picked us up and we went to spend the night at Jason's.  We had a great time with visiting Jason and Shelley, and Brooks (chocolate lab the size of a horse)
     Ginger's race was early Sunday morning and by the time we were getting out of bed, she was finishing the course.  Her course consisted of a 400 meter swim, a 16 mile bike ride and a 3 mile run.  She finished 5th in her age group which was fantastic.  We returned home for a couple of hours sleep before starting our next adventure, a trip to San Antonio to see Kale, and Emily and Craig.
     We set out early this morning, stopping for breakfast of course.  We got to Hattiesburg about lunch time and visited with some life-long friends, Chuck and Mary Jane Wood.  We got to meet their grandchildren.  It was a great visit and lots of memories and laughs.  We need to get together more often.  After about a 4 hour visit were we continued down I-10 and stopped at Lake Charles for the night.

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