Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 8

If I thought I was sore on Thursday, I was mistaken.  I could barely move yesterday.  Muscles were so sore that it was a pain to move at all.  Had nothing to do with the knees, but more to do with helping lay sod at the church.  I was helping unload three pallets of grass.  More physical labor than I have done in the last 6 months.  Every muscle in my body aches.  I think this is a good day to lay around and work my puzzle.  I somehow got enough energy to pull some weeds out of the garden and pick a few peas, but that was it for the day.  I decided to go walk, but the weather decided I needed to stay home.  This was the first rain I have had at my house in the last month.  My garden really needed it, but I don't think we got enough rain to saturate the ground.  Maybe we will get more rain soon.  We need one of those all day slow and steady rain.  But this time of the year the rain usually comes with threat of severe thunder storms.  There was a lot of thunder and lightening with this shower.  Now I really have a good excuse to work my puzzle.

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