Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 5

     I seem to be falling behind on my blog.  On Tuesday, Aug 5, we headed to Birmingham.  After shopping at Costco, we met up with Amy's brother and sister, her mother and two other friends for lunch.  We had planned to eat at a deli at the Summit, but it was so crowded that we ended up at a Stir Fry place next door. The food was very good, even though my mother-in-law did not think so.  It could be that with all the choices on the menu she ordered tacos.  I will definitely eat there again.
     When we got home the county had just finished setting the water meter.  In doing so they dug up a pipe marker that showed where my property line was located.  I will now have to find the other markers and use a tape measure to relocate that property line.  The other boundaries have markers, but that corner was the only one that I knew exactly where it was.  Now I will have to hunt through the woods to find the other ones.  I may be able to wait until someone is interested in the house next door.  They may have the property surveyed to find their property lines.  If so, they will locate two corners for my property and make hunting those markers easy.  Due to the price and the fact that it is a short sale, it may be empty for a long time before someone buys it. At one time I had an option to purchase all the land around me, but I could not afford to do so.  I would like about 5 more acres so I can add a chicken coup and raise my own eggs.  If I do get one I will probably have to get another wife.  Amy refuses to have chickens in her yard.  I think the jury is still out on that idea but we will have to wait a while on that plan.  Maybe I can catch her at a weak moment and she will say yes.  Who knows, it just might happen.

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