Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26

     In trying to catch up for the past week I forgot to mention that on Friday night we met with our supper club group.  We meet every other month for supper on a rotating basis.  The host provides the meat and the rest bring a vegetable, dessert, and salad.  Our group has been meeting for over 35 years.  At one time we met every month but shifted to every other month many years ago.  Those in our group are Gary and Pat Hastings, Crawford and Linda Nelson, Steve and Jan Roberts, Moody and Joan Scroggins, Larry and Betty Lane Shirley, and us of course.  We always have a great meal and good fellowship.  
     For today we made it to Kale's house in San Antonio, Texas.  It was really great to spend the afternoon with Emily and then go to get Kale at day care.  Kale will stay home with us tomorrow.  Fantastic!  I am not looking forward to the drive home.  We also have some relatives in Houston that would be nice to see.  But, if we decide to drive back in one day we will not have time to stop and visit.  Until then we are going to enjoy this time with the Burt's. 

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