Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 6

     Wednesday, Aug 6.  For some odd reason my wife wanted to go walking almost as soon as I got out of bed.  So, being the wonderful husband I am, I agreed.  I did not even get a cup of coffee before we left the house.  I ended up walking 3.4 miles.  My knees were fine and only a little pain in the leg muscles rather than the knees.  After returning home I did get to finish my cup of coffee, in fact, my wife fixed a big breakfast.  Maybe there is something I can learn from this.  Walk then big breakfast.  Sounds like a deal to me.
     After breakfast I headed to the garden to pick some butter peas.  After about an hour in 97 degree temperature.  I gave up and came in for a shower.  I had been called to give blood at a blood drive at the Coosa Valley Electric building.  I thought it was the least I could do since I know my sister used 2 to 3 pints each time she was in the hospital.  Even though I had an appointment it took nearly 2 hours before I was finished.  It took 3 different people to decide where to stick me.  I knew they were going to have trouble because I experience the same thing when I get my A1C test.  I got home just in time to swap cars with my wife and head to church.  After prayer meeting, I headed to Walmart for entertainment, no, really for bird food.  By the time I got home it was 9:30 and my legs had begun to swell some and I was in a little discomfort.  I resorted to the ice bags and went to bed.

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