Monday, September 1, 2014

Aug. 27 - Sept. 1

Safely home after a week in San Antonio, Texas.  Our trip to see Kale, Emily and Craig was great.  This was the perfect time to go as Emily has not started her new job, and Kale could missed his day care an stay home with us.  The week went by so fast that I never got a chance to write about it.  Most of my time was spent in an recliner.  Not too good for the knees, but very comfortable.  I should have been out getting some exercise, but it was too hot outside so we mostly stayed inside.  Their house is located a couple of blocks from a mall, and almost anything else you would want.  There is also a walking path close to their house, but we will have to check it out when the weather is cooler.  For this trip just spending time playing with Kale, and his dogs, Radley and Major (indoor labs) was worth the trip.  Next time we will do more sightseeing.  Today we are just glad to be home for a couple of weeks before our next adventure.

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