Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 8

Today I am glad I stayed in.  Rained most of the day and the fog so thick visibility is about 25 feet. There are no mountain views today. Hopefully this will clear out tonight and tomorrow will be sunny.  I am beginning to get cabin fever but these cabins have a small kitchen, table, futon, and 2 bedrooms, and most important a TV.  The store has frozen pizzas and a small supply of hiker foods.  The one thing I am missing is a Cracker Barrell or steak place, or even a Mc Donald's.  I should get to a town in a couple of days maybe.  Tomorrow I will have to hike a lot more miles than I have previously just to get to a campsite.  Since I have already hiked this part of the trail I intend to skip Wildcat Mountain.  It is very steep with switchbacks every 15 feet. Instead I plan to walk up the road from Tesnatee Gap to Hogpen Gap and try to make Low Gap Shelter by dark. That's the plan but sometimes the plans change. We will see. 

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