Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 9

Longest hike yet.  I did the 5.5 miles from Neels Gap to Tesnatee Gap, which I had hiked before. Beautiful mountain views.  From there I started hiking up the road and was picked up by some day hikers who had passed me on the trail.  So, I got a ride to Hogpen Gap which was about 1/2 mile up the mountain road   At that point the sign said 4.5 miles to Low Gap Shelter. This was the longest 4.5 miles I have ever done.  The path was straighter but as soon as you topped one mountain you saw the next one you were about to go up.   I was beginning to think I had missed the shelter when I finally reached it just before dark.  I am way to slow a hiker only covering less than a mile an hour.  I can't go any faster.  About mile 3 I was feeling great when I stepped off a rock and felt pain in my knee.  For a while the pain only occurred when going downhills but by the end of the day it was hurting on the uphills to. There is no pain on an almost level path.  I have decided to end my hiking for this year.  I need to do 7 miles today to get to a point where I can get a ride to the next town.  That way my wife, Amy, can pick me up as she returns from her visit in Virginia.  More to come later 

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