Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 7

Not hiking today.  Waiting on the weather to clear. Supposed to be another round of storms coming through tonight. So I will wait it out.  Today is much cooler and I shipped home the bear cannister stuffed full of extra food and clothes.  I thought it would weigh about 20 pounds, but it only weighed 7 lbs but it took up so much space in my pack and was really bulky.  It was a great camp stool though.  Food weight is another way to cut down. I have been carrying too much food thinking I would eat more. Even Baby Ruth's don't taste good after a day of hiking in the heat. Too sweet. When I start hiking again I will hike a section that I have hiked before. There was a mountain view I would like to get a picture of if the weather cooperates. Hopefully it will.  More to come later. 

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