Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ready to Start Back

Around my house plans keep changing.  My last post was posted when I was visiting two of my grandchildren in Virginia where they had about 8 inches of snow.  Last week was a trip to Georgia to see my youngest grandchild.  It looks like I will get back on the trail the week after Easter since kids will be coming to visit that week.  Once I start back I will have a couple of weeks to hike before I have to make another trip to Virginia for a week.  My wife will pick me up at whatever town I can get to and then drop me back at the same location on the return trip so I can hike on.  In the mean-time I am trying out different meals looking for the things I like to eat.  Some things I have tried, I have ruled out.  It may come down to a jar of peanut butter, along with a few other meals.  Also, I have planted my garden just in case I have to end my hike before reaching Maine.  My wife may end up tending to it if I stay on the trail.  Warmer weather has me excited again about continuing my hike, but also I am aware of the miles I will need to hike each day in order to complete the AT by the end of September.  I have decided not to worry about the miles and just enjoy the hike no matter how far I get.  Being retired, I have no deadline to make so I can take my time and not feel rushed.  More to come later.  

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