Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 5

New score Blood Mountain 2 one going up and one coming down.  Water at last nights shelter tasted terrible. I drank only a half liter gagging with each swallow.  I am trusting that the aquamera drops cleaned the harmful stuff up.  So, I tackled the mountain with fowl tasting water. This was the first time the water has had a chemical taste from the drops. Instead I poured the water on me to help cool me off and would only rinse and spit when I need water thus limiting the amount I drank.

Me from the top of the mountain awesome view. It seemed like 10000 steps up and 1000 switchbacks.  Completely exhausted by the time I reached the top.  Going down was worse  with rock scrambles. I really got excited when I began to hear cars on the highway and could see Mountain Crossing. Got to Blood Mountain cabins and got the last vacancy.  Walked in the door right before the rain started. Because these cabins have 2 bedrooms I would be willing for someone to share if they need to get out of the weather.  So far I am alone but I think storms are moving in for tomorrow and I will take a zero day tomorrow.  I will wait on the weather to see what Tuesday holds.  At least I have downed a gallon of water and gotten a shower, and eaten half a pizza.  Feet were really hurting today, but so far no blisters yet.  Maybe tonight I can sleep.  My air matress has a slow leak so in the middle of the night I am on the ground which means I cannot go back to sleep when that occurs.  I will be shipping a lot of things home tomorrow   Mostly the bear cannister.  With the food I don't think I'll eat. Some other items also maybe my tent so I can try a hammock. Although there are tent sites they are not level. With a hammock all you need is 2 trees. I saw a lot of these in use at Lance Creek. It would also lighten my load about 5 lbs.  more later  

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