Saturday, June 7, 2014

Home repair

It has been a couple of days since my last post.  It was great to have Emily, Craig, and Kale Burt at our house for the week. Time flies when they are here. I did get a little work out of them while they were here.  Em helped pull grass out of the garden and Craig filled the holes left from the electrician. 

That was before the wall was patched. I still have to sand and paint.  Before they came I did trim the trees next to the house. 

As you can see the holly really needed trimming.  I had no problem going up the ladder, but coming down was a whole different story.  Pain with each step down.  I will see the doctor next week.

We are outside Warner-Robbins in Bonaire, GA at the Burt house babysitting Kale while his parents are in San Antonio Texas looking for a house.  They will be moving there next month after Emily completes her tour of duty in the Air Force.  Did I mention before that I am proud of all three of my kids and their families?  Well I am.  More to come when we return home. 

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