Saturday, June 28, 2014

Recovery day 1

So, the surgery was yesterday.  We got to the hospital a little before 6 am.  After a short wait we were taken to  another waiting area.  From there we went to a pre-op room where we had the longest waiting time. My doctor, Dr. Kenneth Bramlett, came in and marked both legs and explained what he was going to do.  Everyone we came in contact with had a surprised look or comment when they realized that both knees were being done at the same time.  The only nurse that was not surprised was the OR nurse who came in to check the size of my legs to determine if they would do both simultaneously or one at a time.  They rolled me to the OR.  The anesthesiologist asked if I was ready to go to sleep. I really don't think I had any choice because the next thing I was aware of was waking in recovery room.  Surgery completed, pain set in.  Morphine given and gladly accepted. About 3:30 pm we were home.  Below you can see that both legs were wrapped in the largest ace bandage I've ever seen.  

I had a restless night last night. I was told I could remove the bandages and take a shower this morning.  There is something about stepping into a bathtub when your knees don't bend and you can't lift your leg that makes it nearly an impossible task. Getting out was a little easier but not that much.  Here is what it looks like now.  

Doc said the left leg was worse than the right with a torn meniscus so I will be looking at possible knee replacement surgery in 5 to 10 years.  My wife, Amy, just told me that the pictures above were groce. So just imagine the rest of a smiley face drawn on each knee.  That makes all the difference in the world.  More to come tomorrow. 

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