Monday, June 30, 2014

Recovery day 3

I woke up this morning at 4:30.  Knees were really hurting bad.  I took a pain pill and waited for it to take effect.  Today I decided that I would try to not use the walker, but that decision was quickly put to rest. I was determined to try the exercise bike today. 

I had no trouble getting on it.  That was the easy part.  I got my right leg on the pedal then my left leg.  I should have gotten off then.  But I thought I would pedal once around. Big mistake.  Left knee came up with excruciating pain and brought tears to my eyes.  I now know that recovery will take some time and this bike is not tall enough.  I need to extend the seat at least 6 inckes higher before I get on it again. I was able to step in the bath tub today to get a shower. That was an improvement from yesterday.  I really feel for those athletes who have knee trouble because I now know what the recovery involves.  I am glad I had both done because if I had only done one knee I think I would have never done the other one.  More to come. 

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