Friday, June 20, 2014

Pre Admission Testing

    Today I went to take care of the pre admission lab work for surgery next week.  I think the doctor is doing both knees at the same time but people keep asking if I am okay with it.  I look at it this way - I have pain in both knees now so at least I will have some pain meds when I return from the hospital.  The doc said that I would be back to normal activity in three weeks.  Enough of that subject on to the next.
     I have always hung my hummingbird feeders each spring.  I only got them out today after having several hummingbirds come looking for the feeder.  I have decided to hang some feeders off the screened in porch as well as the ones by the door.  I have had as many as ten hummingbirds feeding and fighting in the past.  I really enjoy watching them and the way they dive at you if you are sitting outside.
     The irrigation system is working fine in the garden.  I have been pulling weeds some and resting under the shade trees when I get too hot.  With the temperature in the mid 90's and 100% humidity, I spend alot of time resting.  I have 5 more rows to pull weeds from and then I will post pictures.  My tomato plants out grew their cages and I have tried to tie up the limbs to keep them off the ground.  Next year I will try the Florida weave to stake up the tomato plants.  I am going to try to make pickles tomorrow.  More pictures coming tomorrow.  In case you haven't noticed, I loaned my camera that I usually use for pictures to my nephew, Sam.  He is in South America brushing up on his Spanish.  He is staying with a family that speaks no English.  Quite interesting.   He should return next week.  He will enter Auburn (War Eagle!) in the fall.  More to come later. 

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