Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More garden

Drip irrigation system installed

Over the past 2 weeks my wife and I made a trip to Virginia to keep two of our three grandchildren while their parents went to San Francisco.  Since it is such a long drive we went up a couple of days before they left so we could rest up for babysitting.  Needless to say, after the weekend I was more tired and sore from playing than hiking the Appalachian Trail.  When we returned home we had an electrician come to rewire a short in our house wiring.  Now I have holes to patch in my wall where he had to cut to run the new wires.  I am waiting for my son-in-law, Craig, to come to help patch the walls.  This will be a learning experience for him.  Until then I have continued my garden work.  I have set up my trellises for my cucumbers and they are already climbing.  I finished setting up my irrigation system shown in the pictures above.  It is a drip system which puts water on the plants where it is needed and not sprinkled in between rows.  This should cut down on grass growing between the rows which should make the garden easier to maintain.  The system is on a timer that is set to turn on twice a day and run for 1 hour.  I should have a good crop based on the number of plants that are growing.
  I have an appointment to see an orthopedic doctor about my knees next month.  The pain that took me off the trail continues when going up and down steps.  Also, the nerve pain in my left thigh has gotten worse since I stopped hiking.  It feels like shingles and is painful to the touch.  I will have to see another doctor about it if it gets worse.  More to come later.   

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