Monday, May 12, 2014

Garden -2

     I have not seen any more snakes since my last post.  I am hoping that the ground is dry enough to re-plant the rest of my seeds.  Most of the seeds I planted in February came up, but the squash and butter peas are sparse and the purple hull peas did not sprout well..  I will try to get get the seeds in the ground before we go to keep our grandkids, Kinsley and Cooper.  Hopefully the seeds will sprout and plants will be up when we return.  I received my drip watering system that Jason recommended.  I hope to have it installed by Tuesday afternoon.  This will be a water conservation system.  Although we get our water from a natural spring, our reservoir is maximum 250 gallons.  This means that when there is no rain, running sprinklers drains our water supply down to the level of the pump.  When that happens water begins to spurt as air gets into the pump.  Of course our spring has not gone dry in the 35+ years we have lived here, but the water level gets low every summer that is dry.  The drip system will be on a timer and allow water to feed the plants, so it will definitely help conserve water.  It should also help with the grass and weeds that usually grow between the rows.  How well that works is still to be determined.  I will post pictures of the system once it is installed, but that may be another week or so, since getting the rest of the seeds planted will be my first priority.
     Today I plan to run some errands in town and take my old boss to lunch.  Since we were the only men in the Central Office, Mr. Campbell and I would go to lunch almost every day, alternating who picked up the tab.  I have missed that since I retired.  Not just the company, but eating lunch everyday.  Mr. C is retiring next month so this may be the last opportunity I have to take him to lunch.  Of course I miss anything related to food.  I also miss the cakes which were part of the birthday celebrations at the Central Office and the homemade ice cream that was made at least once a week during the summers.  And especially Joni's coconut cakes.  I am hungry just thinking about it.  More to come later.

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