Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sept. 19 - 24

     Came home from the beach on Friday the 19th.  On the way home we stopped to visit my cousin Barbara Anne Bowling and her husband Bob.  We both grew up in the south Alabama town of Monroeville.  We were in the same grade in school. Our backyard bordered with another set of cousin's and after they lost their house in a fire, she moved across the street from them.  We spent a lot of time playing together.  After moving several times, we ran into each other at Auburn.  I had only seen them a couple of times, at family funerals, or weddings since then.  We had a good visit which was quite enjoyable.  
     Arriving home we found that the puppy was still hanging around the house.  Asked several neighbors if they had lost a dog.  Puppy turned out to be about a year old and had had a litter of pups before.  Although the puppy was cute we did not want a dog because of the traveling we do.  After checking with the local vets to see if they may have recognized the dog, I finally took the dog to the Animal Shelter.on Tuesday. Maybe someone will adopt the dog.
     Went to the doctor on Monday.  I have arthritis and tendonitus in the left knee.  The pain is not related to the surgery but more a pulled hamstring caused from the swelling.  I had not taken the ibuprofen the way I should have.  I thought it was for swelling and pain so I was only taking it in the morning.  I found out that it only is good for 6 hours, so I had not been taking it the way I should.  I now have another medicine for inflammation that I take once a day.  Hopefully it will give some relief in a couple of days. After exercise I get real stiff.and thus a little more pain.  I have no pain while walking, 3 miles on Tuesday and 4 miles on Wednesday, (24th).  Also today I need to use my weedeater outside around the house.  I also need to redo the wiring for the phones in my house.  I have a lot of static that is in the lines but no static if I bypass the house wiring.  I will work on that project tomorrow, after all no since doing it today if it is not mandatory.  More to come later.
     Oh, spare time has been spent on the first 2000 piece puzzle that I have ever worked.  Amy did a lot of it too. 

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