Friday, September 12, 2014

Sept. 9-12

Raking rocks in the hot sun...

We have now cleared down to the scarecrow in the picture.  The rocks have to be removed so I can cut the grass with the lawn mower without tearing it up.  Some of the rocks are boulder size.  We rake the rocks into the front end loader on the tractor.  Then dump them on the other side of the driveway. Amy usually drives the tractor and I rake the rocks.  This project should be completed in a couple of days.

We now have a new visitor at our house.  As we were working out raking up the rocks in the yard this little puppy wanted to see what we were doing.  We tried to ignore her but that was not successful.  She is a cute puppy.  I have no idea how old she is, but she may have had a litter of puppies before.  She looks like just a puppy herself.  I have posted on facebook trying to find her owner, but so far no one has claimed her.  I do not have any close neighbors so I do not know where she may have come from.  She apparently is someones pet and may have been a house dog, but has not tried to come in the house yet.  

The last puppy that came to our house ended up staying for several years before she disappeared one day.  We never knew what happend to her, but she was gone one day when I came home from work.  Below is a picture of Lulu, our last dog.  She hated to be bathed, so we would put her in the truck bed to give her a bath.  It would take 2 people to give her a bath.  Here Jason is helping with her bath.  She turned out to be a great dog, and we miss her.  We still wonder if some thing got her in the woods or what might have happened to her.  Maybe she stayed for those years and then decided to move on.  Who knows.  There is a resemblance in the colors of the two dogs.  Could it be that both mutts had something in common?


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