Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sept 25 - Oct. 4

     I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I will try to catch up this past week.  For the past three days we have our door guarded by this creature. Just thought I would post this picture.

He seems content to just move around the door and I suppose he is eating bugs that move toward the light shinning through the windows at night.
     I have continued walking 3 - 4 miles at least every other day.  On Monday I went back to the doctor.   He said that the pain that I have is tendonitus and prescribed an anti-inflamatory medicine and said that I needed to lose some weight.  Thinking I was going to begin my diet on Tuesday, Amy and I stopped for Krispy Kreme donuts,  Then coming back through Pell City, we decided to get a Blizzard at the new DQ.  On Tuesday I walked 3 miles and decided to spend the afternoon cutting grass.  On Wednesday, after walking 4 miles I spent the afternoon using the weedeater.  Slightly overdid it and had a lot of pain.
     On Thursday mom and I rode to Woodstock, Ga to visit with my brother and his wife.  He will begin radiation and chemo on another inoperable tumor next week.  The goal will be to shrink this tumor.  This has been the source of his back pain for about a year, but was just discovered in a scan a couple of weeks ago.  How it was missed I don't know.  It is about the size of a golf ball.  We had a really good visit and enjoyed sitting on their porch watching the birds feeding all afternoon.
     Expected to rest up on Friday, but that did not happen.  Amy went in to check on her mother who apparently had a slight stroke.  She e  nded up spending most of the day taking her to the doctor.  Then my mom called because she was having a dizzy spell and could not drive home from the hairdresser.  Both are better today.  Now to watch some football.



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