Friday, October 10, 2014

October 5 - 10

The past few days seem to be flying by.  The highlight of Monday was my bi-annual appointment with my kidney doctor.  Every six months I go for a check up as a precaution due to my diabetes.  Each time the doctor says everything is stable, come back in 6 months.  I have decided to increase my walking.  On Tuesday I walked 4 miles.  On Wednesday, 6.5 miles.  I decided to take it easy on Thursday and only walked a little over 2 miles (4 laps at the park).  I thought I might try the knees with a slow jog so I jogged for one-half a lap.  I need to say that my slow jog is about walking speed for a normal person.  I did have some swelling after that and sitting in church for 5 hours Thursday night really caused the legs to tighten up.  This morning the effects were not that bad, but after the 12 hour ride to visit the grandkids, getting out of the car was quite painful.  The pain is not in the knees, but tendonitus.  The pain will gradually go away with exercise I hope.

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