Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mountain Crossings

One of the most interesting places is the store and hostel located at Neel's Gap.  Winton Porter, the former owner, wrote a book, Just Passing Through, about the interesting people that passed through this location. Passing through is exactly what the trail does, and it is the only part of the trail that goes under a roof.

Note the white blaze which marks the Appalachian Trail on the side of the doorway.

The store may look small on the outside, but it is packed full on the inside.  It is the only outfitter located directly on the trail, and the first one you come to.  They have everything, and I mean everything, that would be needed for hiking the AT.  

One of the services they provide is a pack shakedown.  They have you lay everything in your pack out on the floor by categories, such as food, clothing, shelter, and other miscellaneous items.  Then make suggestions on things you can do without, thus eliminating weight from your pack.  The person in the picture above (sorry for the poor quality) is Logan, who did my shakedown.  He eliminated 11 lbs. from my pack.  The excess items are then boxed and shipped home.  I should have kept some of the things we sent home, but I was so tired that day that if he had said I did not need my boots, I would have shipped them home also.
Below is a picture of the current owner, George, posing with me.  I had just been given a demonstration of a lightweight alcohol stove that was on the counter out of view, and of course I purchased one.

The picture below is Baltimore Jack, one of the characters mentioned in the book Just Passing Through.

Mountain Crossings is a really unique place packed full of stuff and hikers restocking on food and accessories they need to continue hiking.

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