Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 10

Home!  I will start again when I know the polar vortex has ended and warmer weather arrives.  It will always be colder in the mountains, and the weather is unpredictable in the mountains.  I returned home to find sunshine and temperatures in the 60's.  What a difference a day makes.  There was snow and ice in the mountains, with as much as 6 inches in some places.  For those who thought I would last about a week, you were partly right.  For those who provided support on this blog, I thank you.  My journey is not done only postponed for 2 weeks or so until the drastic winter season has passed.  Overall the experience so far has been fantastic.  I have met people from all over the world.  One from Australia, two from Germany, one from Canada, and others from the following states:  Montana, Maine, Illinois, Vermont, Texas, Oregon, California, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, and even two from Alabama, Chula Vista, and Mobile. Two people were homeless, one of which sold her home and had a friend drop her off at Springer Mountain. As I was hiking I was passed by many day hikers, some going up a mountain and some coming down from a mountain top.  On occasion some would pass me twice while I was resting.  There was always a large tree or rock that I know was put on the trail just for me to stop and sit for a while.  Some people that I met were so into the "hike" that they did not take the time to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings.  I am glad I started early because the trees had no foliage and did not block the view of the mountains.  Before I started several people had asked about the cold, and now I can certainly see the advantage of starting later in the year.  Before I started I was not sure what physical conditioning I needed to do.  Now I know, put 50 lbs. on your back and climb the steps to the tallest building you can find and then back down at least 100 times a day.  On one occasion I had just gone over a high mountain, down and up the next one, when I looked back and thought wow I really did go over a high mountain.  Of course I did a lot of looking back while I was resting.  I know this post is getting long so I will finish by adding a few of the 200 pictures I took.


Typical bear hang for food storage (sorry but I took it after I took down my food bag)

Typical water sources (water treated with AquaMira drops before drinking)

Typical trail pictures:

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