Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020

     I have not posted in a while because it seems like our life has come to a standstill.  Since the last post we have stayed home and only going to the store for food.  Our days are spent indoors mostly because it is so hot here.  We are thankful that we have a pool and spend a lot of time in it.  We have made one trip to see our son and his wife and one trip to Virginia to see the grand kids.  We are waiting for the weather to cool off before we go camping again.  Even though the camper has air conditioning it is just to hot to go hiking.  I'm not sure about other locations but the ticks have been so bad this year that we decided to stay out of the woods.  Amy still has lingering effects from lime disease that she got several years ago. 
     We finally have the leaks around the chimney fixed, we hope.  Waiting on a really hard rain to know for sure.  Now we will begin replacing the ceiling and wall we had removed to try to find the leak.  I say we, but I am pretty much worthless when it comes to doing work.  Bursitis and arthritis in my shoulders limit my physical ability right now.  Surgery to fix the problem is not going to happen anytime soon because of the virus.  As it spreads in our state, county, and city. we now see it affecting families of our friends.  We will just sit around here and not get out.  We have almost everything we need.  Of course the garden I tried to plant this year was a total disaster,  Not being able to use the tiller meant the grass and weeds just took over.  Also I think using seeds that were several years old was part of the problem.  Next year it may do better.  Until next time...

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