Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

     Saying I am behind on posting is an understatement.  So I won't say it.  Since October we did go camping, but it was not what we expected.  The RV park was very crowded.  Campers were parked right next to each other.  So close that we could not even let out our awning and could not sit outside.  To top it off, there were 3 solid days of rain.  Jason and Shelly had planned to come meet us, but due to the rain we instead went to their house for a night. 
     Thanksgiving came and went as well as Christmas.  We had planned to go see the grandkids the day after Christmas, but that did not happen.  2020 did not get off to a good start for us either.  New Year's Eve Amy spent in the hospital with an infection.  The highlight of January was our cruise to the West Indies with our good friends Mary Jane and Chuck Wood.  But that did not turn out like we expected.  On the first day, before the ship sailed, MJ took a tumble down some steps as we were touring Old San Juan.  We did not know how bad it was until after we sailed.  6 broken ribs.  The seas were rough and cancelled two islands that we had planned to visit.  Two days before the end of the cruise I thought I was getting a sinus infection.  When I got home I found out it was the flu.  Amy got it also.  After a week at home I felt so bad I went to the ER and ended up staying in the hospital for a week.  We spent the month of February recuperating at home.  After Amy was better she did go to see the grandkids and take them their Christmas presents.  That was the only highlight in February.  Backtracking for a moment, when we got home from the cruise there was a moldy musty smell in the house.  There had been about 6 inches of rain, while we were gone and the ceiling that had just been redone with the kitchen renovation was ruined.  After we were getting over the flu we decided to have a carpenter rip it down and try to find where the leaks were.  The upstairs bedroom floor was ruined also and has been partly removed.  I also had him tear out the wall next to the chimney to see if there was mold in the walls.  We had a roofer come to try to find the leaks, but have had no real rain to see if the leaks have been fixed since then.  We have a structural engineer scheduled to come to see if he can tell us how to solve the problem.  The only good is that we are redoing the upstairs bathrooms converting the bathtubs into showers. The down side to that is we are having to share the downstairs bathroom.
     Just as we had planned to go camping again, the coronavirus hits and travel is discouraged.  Church services are canceled, schools are closed and everything is shutting down.  We will have to get out to buy groceries when we run out of food, but till then we are doing what we normally do - taking it easy and staying put.

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