Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28, 2015

Yesterday was so beautiful that we headed for the woods. Amy, Jason, Shelley, and Brooks and I hiked about 7.5 miles.

On Monday after my doctor visit, where I was told there may be ligament damage in my wrist, we headed to Woodstock, Ga. to visit my brother.  We originally planned to stay one night, but those plans went out the window.  After lunch on Tuesday, Lewis and I went to Walmart and were headed to Lowe's when my car started to overheat. We tried to get it to a chevy dealer, but I did not want to ruin the engine, so we could only go about 1/2 mile before I had to cut it off and let it cool.  Although the dealership was only about 7 miles away we had to get on the interstate during rush hour traffic and continuously pull over on the shoulder to let the car cool.  Needless to say we never made it to the dealer.  Had to call a wrecker and have it towed the last mile,  One of Lewis's neighbors came to pick us up.  So, we stayed an extra night.  The dealership provided a car for us to drive home because the repairs would take a couple of days.  We will go pick up our car on Monday.  The problem was a busted water pump, and someone put the wrong coolant in when trying to get to the dealership, which ruined the radiator.  Okay, the someone was me.  Other than the mis-adventure with the car we really enjoyed the visit,  We will plan on visiting once a month.

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