Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nov. 14, 2015

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Amy and I decided to go hiking at Cheaha State Park.  We parked at the trailhead and set out to hike some of the Pinhoti Trail then loop back on Cave Creek Trail. I had hiked this before, but had no idea of the distance.  This was Amy's first hike.

About 3 miles in I managed to trip and fall. Not just once but 3 times in all.  The second fall was the worst.  I was in pain after that.  Wrist was hurting, ribs were bruised.  Amy wanted to turn around and go back.  Being as stubborn as a mule I kept pushing for us to keep going.  I really should have listened to her.  We were on the trail for over 6 hours.  The last 2 were in the dark.  I had taken a headlamp just in case so Amy used it and I used the flashlight on my phone.  The loop turned out to be 9.4 miles.  We were so glad to get back to our car.  Tired, hungry, cold and in pain.  Once we got home I could see my wrist was swollen.  I thought it was sprained so I put some ice on it, ate supper, watched T.V. and then went to bed. About 3:00 this morning I had to go to the hospital.  On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain was at least a 20.  Turned out the wrist was broken.  I'm not superstitious but I'm never hiking again on a Friday the 13th.

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