Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22, 2015

     There are no excuses for waiting so long to post this, but the last couple of weeks have been a blur.  My wife's mom, GoGo, has had several TIA's and is practically immobile.  She has been at Amy's brother's house in Birmingham.  Amy travels to stay with her two days a week.  Sometimes we bring her to our house for a few days.  Even though she would like to spend more time here with us, our house is not really equipped for someone in her condition.  My mom has spent the last couple of weeks in Trinity hospital in Birmingham.  Diagnosis was congestive heart failure and afib. She was able to walk into the hospital but after being in bed that long she is having trouble walking.  She will be discharged from the hospital today and will go to rehab for physical therapy here in Talladega. She could be there for up to 20 days or less depending on how well she progresses with the therapy.  Although both moms have similar health issues, their attitudes are as different as night and day.  Gogo's attitude is very negative, to the point of being mad at God for not taking her on to heaven.  She is waiting to die.  Of course some one said that she will probably live another 20 years so God can prove he is in charge.  On the other hand mom's attitude is positive, wanting to live every day to the fullest, fully intending to regain her strength and get back to her usual activities.  She makes the best of every little setback she encounters.
    So, with all that has happened in the last year, surgery on both knees, loosing my sister, and now taking care of our mothers, I am glad that I did not spend 6 months hiking the trail.  I really miss my sister, because we thought that she would be the one to care for mom.  Apparently God had and continues to have other plans.  I am glad that Amy and I are retired and are in a position to take part in the care of our parents.  In the meantime writing this blog will have to take a backseat, and a low priority.  In another month winter will be fading out and spring coming in, bringing with it new opportunities and new changes.  Gardening time.  Hiking again.  By the way, my knees are doing great.  I can walk down steps without any pain and I can cross my legs with no pain.  There is a little discomfort when standing up from a chair, but that is getting better and better.

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