Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Almost ready

Several people have asked how they could keep up with me once I start the trail.  One way is the daily posts to this blog. Although they may be short I will try to post something every day and a couple of pictures, if I have cell phone service and my phone doesn't go dead.  Another way is my gps tracker, which will show my position every hour for the last 7 days.  Of course it will only work if I can remember to turn it on each day and keep batteries in it.  It also has a motion sensor that turns on and off automatically to help conserve the batteries.  I have not tested this out but I may decide to set this up.  Anyway below is a shared link connected to my device.  It should only show location points on a map and I am not sure what else it would show such as roads or towns near by or anything worth while. We will just have to wait and see how it works.  The link should start showing location points on February 26, 2014, the day my hike begins.  If you want to follow each day, you should add a shortcut to the website that opens once you click on the link below.  You can also add a shortcut to this blog so it will be easier to find.

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