Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22,2017

So, after the hike and freezing weather, the winter storm came on the 14th.  Katy and Scott headed to the hospital in Scott's 4 wheel drive truck.  Due to the snow traffic was minimal and they had no problems getting there.   This was the view of the back porch as the snow was coming down.

We had planned to take the kids to school and be at the hospital when the baby was born.  The storm changed those plans.  Schools were closed for two days because of the snow and ice.  Anyway we have a new grand baby born on March 14th.  We finally made it to the hospital on the 16th to see the baby.  The picture below of Sadie and proud parents was sent to us from the hospital

They brought the baby home on Friday and Max went crazy. He was such a problem barking and jumping and going zonkers that he had to be crated and confined to the basement.  As it turns out, this is an undesirable trait of most Yorkies as they may feel jealous of the newborn and do not realize that the baby is a person.  It will take time for him to get use to Sadie and for her to get use to him.  Until then he will not make the trips to Virginia.   We are planning to visit again in June or at least Amy is going to keep the baby when Katy goes back to work.

What a change from the cold in Virginia to the temperature in the high 70's of Alabama.  I have been out in the sun for the past two days and even waded in the pool, not really, but I did get my feet in the water.  I am planning another hike.  This one will be about 12 miles and I hope to complete it in one day, but I may have to rethink that plan.  That would be about twice the distance that I usually hike and along a trail that I have not hiked before.

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