Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Equipment for Pinhoti hike

     Pictured below is the equipment for my initial Pinhoti Trail hike.  This will be a short 2 night trip.   I am not sure how many miles I will cover.  Since I travel slowly, I plan to take lots of pictures.  My goal is to hike from Porter's Gap to the top of Cheaha, ending at Cheaha State Park.  This should be approximately 20 miles.  The equipment below from left to right is:  blue compression sack for clothes, yellow stuff sack will be used for food, headlamp on dry sack, slightly hidden from view is 50' nylon cord, first aid kit, mesh bag with blue bottom is a 3.25 inflatable pad, sleeping bag, smaller blue bag above the sleeping bag is a liner (temp. expected to be in the 30's for the next two nights), the orange bag contains my tent, and completing this row is my trekking poles.  Front row from left to right is as follows:  light blue bag contains an inflatable sitting pad, next mesh bag contains a cloth for drying, the ziplock bag and camera case contains electronics (small radio is not shown), small pot and pan with extra fuel inside, jetboil sol stove kit, in front of it is a rain cover for my pack, the MSR bag contains my water filter, and finally my fake crocs.  For clothing, I will pack 2 pair of socks, one to hike in and one to sleep in, 2 shirts, one long sleeve and one short sleeve, and a light sweater/jacket.  Next question is how am I going to cram all this and food and water in my pack?  There are also some items not shown, toiletries, daily doses of pills, and a small portable foldout 3 legged stool.  I realize the stool is probably un-needed extra weight, but it may help save my knees when I stop for rest breaks.  That's all for now.  My next post will be from the trail.

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